Thursday, June 20, 2013

Beauty School: Botox

What exactly is that stuff that gets injected into our faces that women these days go crazy for? Botox may not be what you thought it was... here's a mini history on societies' ever-so-sacred Botox injections.

Botox is a drug preperation that comes from the bacterial toxin botinum used to medically treat some muscle conditions and cosmetically to remove wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing facial muscles by injection. Botulism is a rare, but serious paralytic illness caused by a nerve toxin produced by a bacteria. One can contract this illness several different ways such as through the consumption of contaminated foods, through open wounds, or accidental overdose of the botulinum toxin.

Symptoms of botulism include double vision, blurred vision, droopy eyelids, slurred speech, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, weak or poor muscle tone and if left untreated, may progress to paralysis of muscles. The botulinum toxin blocks the signals that would normally tell your muscles to contract... and therefore, if an area of the body can't move, it can't wrinkle... and thus the birth of Botox. 

A Botox injection is a medical procedure that should be performed in a controlled medical environment. Side effects of Botox include allergic reactions, rash, itch, headache, neck pain, difficulty swallowing, nausea, weakness, drooping eyelids, double vision, tearing, sensitivity to light, or pain at the injection site.... interestingly the same side effects as you would experience if you were to contract the botulism illness. 

Botox can be used on different areas of the face but is most effective against crows feet, forehead wrinkles and furrows between the eyebrows. 
"Botox can take anywhere from two to eight days to start working," says cosmetic physician Dr. Naomi McCullum. "At eight weeks, the movement will start coming back, and at 12 weeks, the movement should be about 50 percent back to normal. At 16 weeks, the movement will be about 80 percent. It is good to re-treat sometime between three and four months." There really is no social down time after having the injections and costs range from around $300-$700 depending upon how many units are injected and how many areas are treated.

Make sure if you do decide to try Botox that you talk to your doctor or dermatologist before hand, to make sure there are no contraindications for the procedure.  

Sources: [1]

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